China Baoan Group Co temettüsü güvende mi?
China Baoan Group Co, 5 yıldır temettüsünü artırıyor.
Son 10 yıl içerisinde China Baoan Group Co, yıllık %10,061 artırılmış arttırdı.
5 yıllık sürede arttı, dağıtımını %15,996 oranında artırdı.
Analistler, mevcut mali yıl için %-100,000 oranında bir Temettü indirimi bekliyorlar.
China Baoan Group Co Aktienanalyse
China Baoan Group Co ne yapıyor?
The China Baoan Group Co Ltd is a Chinese company that was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Shenzhen. It specializes in the manufacturing of security products and electronic components.
The company was founded by a small team of miniature railway employees who began manufacturing security products such as surveillance cameras. In the 1990s, the company expanded its product range and also started manufacturing automatic door systems. With the growth of the Chinese market and the increasing demand for security and surveillance systems, the company also grew. China Baoan Group Co Ltd is now a major producer of security products and electronic components in China and internationally.
The company's business model is to manufacture and distribute high-quality security and surveillance products. It is well-established in the Chinese market and also sells its products internationally, with branches in the USA, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The company places great emphasis on research and development, investing heavily in the development of new products to ensure that it offers its customers innovative and up-to-date technologies.
China Baoan Group Co Ltd offers a wide range of products focused on security and surveillance. It manufactures surveillance cameras, alarm systems, access control systems, and many other security products. The company also specializes in the production of electronic components such as circuit boards, PCBs, electronic components, and LED displays.
The company is divided into different divisions to offer its customers a wide range of products and services. The main divisions of the company are:
- Police Equipment: This division produces and distributes equipment for the police, such as body armor, handcuffs, helmets, and shooting range equipment.
- Security Products: This is the largest division of the company and offers a wide range of security and surveillance products, including cameras, alarm systems, and access control systems.
- Smart Traffic: This division specializes in the development of intelligent traffic systems aimed at improving traffic flow and safety on the roads. It produces intelligent traffic management systems and traffic light systems, for example.
- Electronics: This division specializes in the manufacturing of electronic components and offers circuit boards, PCBs, and other components.
- Financial Services: This division offers financial services to support customers in financing security products and other investments.
In conclusion, China Baoan Group Co Ltd is a leading company in the security and surveillance industry in China and internationally. It has established itself as an innovative manufacturer of high-quality products and focuses on research and development to offer its customers innovative and up-to-date technologies. With its diversification and presence in the international market, the company has further growth potential and is an important player in the industry. China Baoan Group Co,'da en popüler şirketlerden biridir.Aktiensparpläne, yatırımcıların uzun vadeli olarak servet inşa etmeleri için çekici bir fırsat sunar. Ana avantajlardan biri, sözde Cost-Average-Effekti'dir: Düzenli olarak sabit bir miktarın hisse senetlerine veya hisse senedi fonlarına yatırılmasıyla, fiyatlar düşükken otomatik olarak daha fazla pay alınır ve fiyatlar yüksekken daha az alınır. Bu, zaman içinde hisse başına daha uygun bir ortalama fiyata yol açabilir. Ayrıca, Aktiensparpläne, küçük miktarlarla bile pahalı hisselere erişim sağlayarak küçük yatırımcılara da kapılarını açar. Düzenli yatırım, ayrıca disiplinli bir yatırım stratejisini teşvik eder ve impulsif alım veya satım gibi duygusal kararları engellemeye yardımcı olur. Bunun ötesinde, yatırımcılar hisselerin potansiyel değer artışından ve yeniden yatırılabilecek temettü dağıtımlarından faydalanır, bu da bileşik faiz etkisini ve böylece yatırılan sermayenin büyümesini artırır.